Local expert curated 3 best Supermarkets in Polokwane, Limpopo by detailed analysis of customer reviews, services, operating hours, complaints, and many more. Our goal is to create a list with enough choices to cater to everyone's preferences while making sure it was small enough to not be overwhelming.
focuses continuously since its founding in 1919 on finding solutions for the shifting and diverse needs of agricultural producers and related stakeholders. It is a modern, dynamic agricultural enterprise. VKB Landbou (Pty) Ltd (VKB Landbou) and VKB Agri Processors (Pty) Ltd (VKB Agri Processors) respectively house the agricultural activities and industries within the VKB Group's current extended network, which consists of 29 entities. VKB Beleggings (Pty) Ltd (VKB Beleggings) is the holding
focuses continuously since its founding in 1919 on finding solutions for the shifting and diverse needs of agricultural producers and related stakeholders. It is a modern, dynamic agricultural enterprise. VKB Landbou (Pty) Ltd (VKB Landbou) and VKB Agri Processors (Pty) Ltd (VKB Agri Processors) respectively house the agricultural activities and industries within the VKB Group's current extended network, which consists of 29 entities. VKB Beleggings (Pty) Ltd (VKB Beleggings) is the holding company for the VKB Group. For agricultural producers who are shareholders within VKB Beleggings, the Group has a distinctive incentive structure. This business is a preferred supplier in its service area thanks to this model, which awards a sizeable portion of annual agricultural business income to VKB Landbous stakeholders as incentive discounts. Additionally, VKB Beleggings distributes dividends each year from the earnings of its industries (VKB Agri Processors Group) and other agricultural businesses. The Group employs about 6 000 people and is one of the major employers in rural Eastern Free State and rural Limpopo. The Eastern Free State's rural economy depends heavily on the Group. The Group is investing more in programmes and infrastructure for the advantage of the communities in which it does business as part of its commitment to good corporate citizenship. Read MoreWelcome to Woolworths, a passionately South African retailer that has spent the last 90 years giving you quality, style, and value.
We belong to the community, which is like a big family.
More than 2,000 stores in South Africa operating under the SUPERSPAR, SPAR, KWIKSPAR, SPAR EXPRESS, PHARMACY at SPAR, TOPS at SPAR, and SAVEMOR brands are serviced by our six distribution centers.
With the rise of supermarket chains in South Africa in the 1960s, 500 small shops were served by a group of 8 wholesalers who were granted exclusive rights to the SPAR name and brand in 1963.
Today, the SPAR Group Ltd. operate