Local expert curated 3 best Pest Control in Bloemfontein, Free State by detailed analysis of customer reviews, services, operating hours, complaints, and many more. Our goal is to create a list with enough choices to cater to everyone's preferences while making sure it was small enough to not be overwhelming.
AAfrica Pest Prevention was established in 2004 by Marelize Labuschagne and has expanded from a modest business in Bloemfontein into a well-known pest control franchise with locations all throughout our lovely nation.
To guarantee that every business and family in South Africa can access our pest control services, the firm is actively growing by providing franchise possibilities.
Only a select few pest control businesses are able to offer the breadth of protection that AAfrica Pest
As a part of The Specialists Franchise Group, Pest Control Specialists is a market leader in providing superior, reliable, and environmentally safe pest control services in Southern Africa and elsewhere. Our commitment to safeguarding the food, health, and property of our clients is fundamentally based on this vision.
At nearly three million customer locations in more than 170 countries, our 47,000 associates provide comprehensive science-based solutions, data-driven insights, and world-class service to advance food safety, support the maintenance of clean and safe environments, optimise water and energy use, and improve operational efficiencies and sustainability.
The biggest and best-trained direct sales-and-service team in the business, Ecolabs' more than 25,000 sales-and-service associates ass