Local expert curated 3 best Churches in Umhlanga, KwaZulu Natal by detailed analysis of customer reviews, services, operating hours, complaints, and many more. Our goal is to create a list with enough choices to cater to everyone's preferences while making sure it was small enough to not be overwhelming.
A modern, independent church, Grace Family Church holds services in five locations: Ballito, uMhlanga, Riverside, Cornubia, and online. We have a strong commitment to God, His people, and His mission to bring about world healing. Grace welcomes everyone, and we encourage you to come as you are.
Children and young people are loved and valued by us. Our weekly kids and youth programs will create a space for your child to have fun, find new friends and go deeper in their faith.
Immanuel Church is a non-denominational Christian gathering of individuals who are beloved by God the Father, united and inextricably linked to one another through Jesus, and given power by His Holy Spirit to bring about the proclamation of His Gospel and the establishment of His Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven. We fervently Sing His Praise, Spread His Word, and Display His Love. Giving that is motivated by freedom rather than fear is used to advance ministry efforts and the compassionate tr
Immanuel Church is a non-denominational Christian gathering of individuals who are beloved by God the Father, united and inextricably linked to one another through Jesus, and given power by His Holy Spirit to bring about the proclamation of His Gospel and the establishment of His Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven. We fervently Sing His Praise, Spread His Word, and Display His Love. Giving that is motivated by freedom rather than fear is used to advance ministry efforts and the compassionate treatment of those in need. Examples of this kind of giving include generous offerings and tithing under grace. The kingdom of God is available to us right now, and we can also anticipate more to come. Immanuel Church's history began in 1984 when Eldred and Denise Engelsman had their first encounter in their living room. Later, we relocated to Atholton Primary School for our Sunday gatherings. The requirement for a church building increased as the church grew. Amazing instances of divine provision and prophetic guidance enabled our current church facility to be finished in 2003. In 1999, Eldred and Denise gave Greg and Sue Stevens the reins of the church, who still do so. Immanuel has evolved into a multi-congregational church, which means that even though we have various congregations that meet in various locations, we are still one church with a single heartbeat, one culture, one set of values, and one shared vision. We currently consist of five congregations: Seatides, Somerset Park, Waterloo, Blackburn, and Albert Park. To learn more, click on the links in the drop-down menu above. Read More