The 3 Best Churches in Kimberley

Local expert curated 3 best Churches in Kimberley, Northern Cape by detailed analysis of customer reviews, services, operating hours, complaints, and many more. Our goal is to create a list with enough choices to cater to everyone's preferences while making sure it was small enough to not be overwhelming.

Bikers Church Kimberley

3 Smartt Rd, 8301 Get direction
What our experts say?

Our goal at Bikers Church Midrand is to establish enduring relationships with Christ among the unchurched. We firmly believe in Jesus' exhortations to love and to go. Being centred on God, grounded in the Bible, and guided by His Holy Spirit is what we seek to be. Being formed in community is essential to our development as servant leaders & honest individuals. We must be committed to discipleship, starting with our families, for this to take root in our hearts. We will be productive in

Our goal at Bikers Church Midrand is to establish enduring relationships with Christ among the unchurched. We firmly believe in Jesus' exhortations to love and to go. Being centred on God, grounded in the Bible, and guided by His Holy Spirit is what we seek to be. Being formed in community is essential to our development as servant leaders & honest individuals. We must be committed to discipleship, starting with our families, for this to take root in our hearts. We will be productive in this world and a positive force for God in our neighbourhoods if we operate from this position. In Pretoria, Bikers Church was founded in 1986 as a place of worship for motorcycle enthusiasts. The mission of Bikers Church was, and still is, to provide a spiritual home for our community, a base for the training of new believers, and a congregation that can be deployed into God's harvest field. In South Africa, the CMA and the Bikers Church are complementary organisations that operate side by side. Bikers Church provides pastoral care and discipleship to bikers, their families, and friends, while CMA focuses on evangelism. Under the aegis of the Bikers Church Movement, the pastor and the handlebar committee are in charge of the welfare of the neighbourhood church. Read More

St Cyprians Cathedral

129 Du Toitspan Rd, 8301 Get direction
What our experts say?

Given in 2004 and placed in the Chapel of the Deposition with the following dedication, two oil paintings depict the cathedral during the day and at night, as seen from the north, before the construction of the chancel and sanctuary (i.e., before 1926). Given in honour of Ruth Laurenson (née Heighway), who lived from 1904 to 1999.
Passages from the Cross The eight Gospel Stations were to be mounted on the walls in the nave between the Gospel Windows, and Dean Justus Marcus in the 1990s in

Given in 2004 and placed in the Chapel of the Deposition with the following dedication, two oil paintings depict the cathedral during the day and at night, as seen from the north, before the construction of the chancel and sanctuary (i.e., before 1926). Given in honour of Ruth Laurenson (née Heighway), who lived from 1904 to 1999.
Passages from the Cross The eight Gospel Stations were to be mounted on the walls in the nave between the Gospel Windows, and Dean Justus Marcus in the 1990s invited artist Bill Davis, who was then residing close to Worcester in the Cape, to carve them.
The cathedral's centre aisle was widened in 1976 because it had long been clear that it was far too small.
The 2nd/14th Light Horse Regiment (Queensland Mounted Infantry) dedicated this plaque in honour of all the members of the regiment who gave their lives 100 years ago during the South African War 1899–1902 and to the glory of God and in memory of the undermentioned officers, non-commissioned officers, and men who lost their lives during the Bechuanaland Campaign, 1897.
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His Love Church

9 Ruth Rd, 8301 Get direction
What our experts say?

A church was formed in 2017 by Luaan Strydom and his family in their living room with 10 people who were enthusiastic about Jesus and could hear God's voice.
The church has developed into a vibrant, young congregation that is on fire for God throughout time.
We are a community of fervent believers who hold that Jesus Christ died for all of our sins, illnesses, and transgressions and that by His wounds He purchased our recovery and secured our salvation (Isaiah 53:4-5).

A church was formed in 2017 by Luaan Strydom and his family in their living room with 10 people who were enthusiastic about Jesus and could hear God's voice.
The church has developed into a vibrant, young congregation that is on fire for God throughout time.
We are a community of fervent believers who hold that Jesus Christ died for all of our sins, illnesses, and transgressions and that by His wounds He purchased our recovery and secured our salvation (Isaiah 53:4-5).
We also think that Jesus rose from the grave on the third day and is now seated at the right side of the Father, interceding on our behalf (Rom 8:34).
If you love one another, Jesus replied, then others will know that you are his disciples (John 13:35).
The only way we can fulfil our duty to make Jesus known to the world is by demonstrating His Love in a fallen, orphaned world.
10 This is what love is—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son to die in our place to atone for our transgressions.
However, if we demonstrate love for one another, God abides (lives and remains) in us and His love (that which is really His) is brought to completion (to its complete maturity, runs its entire course, and is perfected) in us.
One of Four12's partner churches, His Love church is overseen by Andrew Selley, the founder and senior elder of JoshGen (Joshua Generation Church).
Every Sunday during the service, our kids ministry meets to provide a joyful, secure atmosphere for our young people to discover more about God.
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